Kittens sure grow up fast! In these past few months it seems like they reach a new milestone on a daily basis. Its been fascinating to watch them develop literally before my eyes. I mean, there have been days when they wouldn’t be able to do something in the morning but they had mastered it by 5:00pm. Most of these “accomplishments” involve them being able to climb or jump onto something bigger and higher.
For example:

After about a month, it was time to give them full-time access to the whole house.
Up to that point, we were keeping them in the sunroom, then in the sunroom and office. I would bring them into the front room under close supervision only. We also practiced wearing their collars, which would make them nuts. The day that I decided that they were big enough to have free reign of the house was the day that they needed to start wearing their collars full time. They were so excited about exploring everything that they forgot to be annoyed by the bells.
These guys still are very good at getting underfoot, but the bells give us a little warning. It creates a sort-of background music when they are running amok in the house – hunting stuffed mice, attacking empty paper towel tubes, hiding loose change and hairbands, and attempting to destroy any other random things they can get their paws on.
Of course Anabel decided to climb the fireplace screen because there’s got to be something interesting inside the fireplace, right? Good thing that these kittens are so tolerant of being handled because I am not tolerant of her white feet being black (yuck!) and we had some washing up to do after that adventure. Sally followed her in there the next day. Luck for him, his feet are black, so I never really knew how dirty he got. Currently the fireplace has this attractive barricade system.
It was a big day when Anabel made the leap to the window over the fireplace. This was Clementine’s favorite place and we knew that the kittens would love it there once they discovered it. There were a few oopsies before Anabel made it, but she is a determined and fearless girl. Once she had established her cool, new spot, Sally had to figure out how to get himself up there too. Now they can help me keep an eye on the neighbors (in-between naps).
This morning I dropped the kittens off at the vet to get fixed! I’ve never had to do this before, the last ones had already had that done before they came home to us. I just hope that the doc doesn’t accidently remove any of their sweetness when he’s in there.
Soooo cute and hilarious! I love seeing them in the window!