Yesterday, I had been in-and-out of the house all day. The kittens (oh, excuse me, now they are cats) had followed me around all morning. We had a little bit of kitten snuggle time and we even had a very productive session with the brush. But eventually they settled in for their mid-day naps and I went about my puttering.
Around five-thirty, I sat down in the front room. I was going to catch up on Instagram, then come in here and do some writing. Sally had other plans for me. He hopped up on the chair, climbed into my lap and settled in for some snuggles and tummy rubs. Now, this is unusual. Yes, he is a sweetie who likes his belly rubbed and he will let me pick him up and hold him like a baby, but he doesn’t really ever seek me out for cuddle time.

So, I flipped on the TV and enjoyed having an armful of purring pussycat. Two hours later (yes, TWO HOURS!) I was starting to get hungry. It was way past his dinner time and even Anabel had emerged from her don’t bother me spot looking for something to eat. But I couldn’t get up. I didn’t want to break whatever magic spell got me such a substantial kitty cuddle session.

Eventually he did wake up and let me escape (so that I could give them their dinner). It was almost eight o’clock.
Even though I didn’t get any writing done, it sure was a good way for me to spend some time. I may try to only watch TV while I have snuggling kitties on my lap, that way there is some redeeming aspect to my trashy reality-show obsession.
Now if I can only get Anabel to sit with me…