Sally and the Baby

My friend who is responsible for Anabel and Sally coming to live with us came to visit.  I love getting together with her and getting to show the kittens off to her.  This time she brought her sweet 15-month-old daughter with her.  This precious little girl is walking and went to work exploring our little house.  Even though she has pets at her house, she was very interested in the kitten’s equipment (especially their litter boxes).  Her mom and I were doing our best to keep up with her (and find something as entertaining for her as the litter boxes) and the kittens wanted to help.

Our previous cat Emma would disappear every time anyone came over.  And Clementine, who loved to show off her fluffy tail, would make herself scarce anytime there were small humans around.  She didn’t even like when the neighbor kids would play outside.  Anabel and Sally are so much friendlier than our other cats were, but they really surprised us with these visitors.  They are so friendly! SO friendly!  As in, they got up from their naps to greet our guests.  And they didn’t run away when they saw the small person.  They both hung out during the whole visit.

Anabel hanging out. Sally looking for belly rubs.

Sally in particular really blew my mind.  He wasn’t just hanging out in a stand-offish cat way, Sally was very interested in the baby.  He would follow her around the house and walk right next to her.  He does the same thing to Mr. Man, standing and walking next to his legs to encourage him to go where Sally wants him to (this usually involves dinner or belly rubs).  I’m sure that he is probably some sort of herding cat.

But like I said, I have not had experience with cats who are interested in, much less not afraid of small people. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. I mean, she is a beautiful little cabbage patch doll of a person, but still. It was something else.  I hope that they will come visit again soon and that this time I remember to take photos.