Jade Roller

I have a confession to make, I love a good skincare gizmo (even though I have a hard time rationalizing spending money on them).  I am completely devoted to my Clarsonic. When my mom sent me a T3 hair drier, I couldn’t imagine why anyone would ever spend that much money on a hair drier – until I tried it and my hair was suddenly smooth and shiny and bouncy and amazing.  I’ve been close to springing for the NuFace a couple of times but have managed to talk myself out of it so far.

When I heard about the jade face roller, I had to learn more.  Here is what caught my attention about this gadget: 1) it is very low tech, so no need to worry that it’s going to crap out before I feel like I got my money’s worth out of it; 2) two words: facial massage. I found one on Nordstrom but wasn’t feeling the $60 price tag and didn’t buy it.  Then it occurred to me to look on Amazon and tada!  You can get one for around $10!  That is a no brainer, buy! *caveat – a $10 jade roller may not actually be jade.

My gadget came with a bonus nifty scraper wedge thing but no instructions.

I’ve never searched for beauty videos online, but this seemed like the time.  I watched a few and found one that was reasonably instructive on youtube (here’s the link).

Basically, you apply a serum or oil of your choice to help the roller glide better and it’s supposed to firm and provide lymphatic drainage (ok, sounds good). Conversely the jade roller allegedly helps the product penetrate the skin so that’s a win.

I think that when I use it, my skin is softer and it really is a nice little massage. I found that there is a lot of tension just above and along my eyebrows and I like to get after that (I’m sure that it will lift and firm my eyelids and help smooth out my elevens…or not, it still feels nice).  The little roller side is for use under your eyes. It’s nice and cool and I can see an immediate reduction in puffiness when I use it there (don’t press hard).

It hasn’t rolled away all my wrinkles, but it does feel firming. I think that if I bothered to use it every day for a week or a month or something that I might notice a difference. For the time being, I’m just using it for a little treat a few times a week.

Have you tried the jade roller?  What do you think? Do you know what the scraper thingy is for?

What is your favorite skincare gadget?