Guys, I got the nicest surprise in the mail the other day. I mean, I always thought that Sally was a work of art, but now he really is! Long story:
Going to the store to buy cat food was a pain in the butt. That one pet food store doesn’t carry the right brand, the other one might only have a few cans and I’d have to go back every week or so. Whatever. I was annoyed.
So, I started ordering from It’s great. I set up an auto ship, but it sends me a notification every month so that I can change anything about my delivery. Anything. Like the type, or the quantity of cat food. Or I can add a 40-pound bag of cat litter. Or I can change the date.
Last month, I got my auto ship notification. But I needed cat food like the next day, not the next week. So, I changed the date to “ship now” and it did. It shipped THAT DAY. And it was delivered before dinner time the next day. How great is that?
Mr. Man had piled up the four cases of cat food on the dining table. Sally knows what his dinner looks like and he wanted to let us know that he was ready for some as soon as we wanted to give it to him.
Long story short: I sent this photo of Sally with his thanks for the prompt delivery. They wrote back a hilarious message full of pet puns (I thought I was bad).

Then last Friday, I found a fancy, metallic blue, padded envelope in my mail from I know that I hadn’t ordered anything recently and had no idea what it could be.
Inside was a very sweet, hand-written note and this beautiful painting of my handsome Sally based on the photo that I had sent them! Isn’t that just the most thoughtful gesture? As if getting multiple cases of canned cat food and 40-pound bags of cat litter delivered to my door without having to pay for shipping isn’t fantastic enough.

Sally’s favorite part of our surprise delivery was the tissue paper which he thoroughly shredded before retiring for his afternoon nap.
Now I just have to figure out how to get a painting of Anabel before she gets too jealous.