Last week I received another delightful surprise in the mail from This time it was a portrait of Anabel! Now she is a work of art too. They really understand sibling rivalry at don’t they?
I had forwarded them the link to the post about Sally’s painting. The nice gal who responded read all the way to the end and forwarded the photo of Anabel at the bottom of the post to what I can only assume is their pet painter stable.

A different artist from the one who did Sally’s portrait painted Anabel. I love the different interpretation, don’t you?

I don’t have paintings of Emma or Clementine, just some nice photographs in silver frames. Once I did find a greeting card with the image of a gorgeous cat who looked just like Clementine, so I framed it and put it out as art.
Since I have that bad habit of thinking that since one of something is good, more would be better, I started thinking that I should create a whole cat-art gallery wall. I could come up with different ways to have portraits of Anabel and Sally made every year…it could be a whole thing. Fortunately, I don’t have much wall space, so such an ambitious undertaking is not particularly feasible.
I think that I will stick to appreciating what I have and continuing to use this blog to revel in the adorableness of my sweet kittens. It’s more fun to share after all.