An important standing appointment on my calendar these days is Beach Day Wednesday. There is something wonderful about spending time contemplating the ocean, it really puts everything else in perspective. I particularly enjoy having beach days at this time of year, when there is a hint of fall. In California, you can tell that it’s fall because the quality of the sunlight changes, the hot part of the day shrinks, and the air feels heavier.

When I was in college, we didn’t go back until late September. I came to really appreciate that period from mid-August to late September. It’s been nice to be able to enjoy my favorite time of the year with those quiet beach days again.
Even when you don’t have somewhere that you have to be every day, it’s still important to have a schedule. I still get up and go to the gym first thing pretty much every morning. It helps me get my day going and I feel that I’ve accomplished something. Having my standing beach day appointment gives me a benchmark for my week. Have I made progress on the things that I want to do this week? It also gives me a break from feeling that I need to be doing something. When I’m at the beach, its ok just to be at the beach.
I like to pack a lunch, my chair, and my floppy hat. Then I head down to my usual spot, stick my toes in the sand and watch the world go by. If it seems like it might be a little cool, I will bring a sweatshirt. When I’m done, I head home; it’s not a big, day-long production, just a little break. Beach day doesn’t even necessarily have to be on Wednesday. I don’t mind being flexible but I know that if I didn’t have something blocked out on my calendar, it probably wouldn’t happen at all.
I like to drag along friends who have free time, let me know!