Happy Bar-versary Bar Method Long Beach!

This November marks the eight-year anniversary (or, as I like to call it bar-versary) of the Bar Method Long Beach (BMLB).  Coincidentally, the studio’s anniversary happens right around the same time as the owner, Joanna West’s birthday. So, today’s post is dedicated to celebrating both BMLB and Jo.  Who doesn’t love a two-for-one celebration?

There are those times when I just feel a little squirmy about my workout. I need to get moving, but I don’t want to do the usual things. When I get that feeling, the best thing for me to do is head to BMLB. The week of the studio’s anniversary coincided with that squirmy feeling convincing me that I needed to “get back to the bar” as they say and subsequently having my butt kicked by Jo in her Monday morning, take-no-prisoners Bar Move class.

There is something about a bar method workout.  I’ve said before how civilized it is – the lovely studio, the smooth and controlled movements, the calm-yet-authoritative manner of the instructor – it all combines to put you in a very serene and centered frame of mind, even while your thighs are quivering uncontrollably and your buns are on fire. I come out of those classes standing taller and feeling more confident in myself every time.  It is just a great experience.

Jo, the owner, is a lovely spirit; she is sweet, and kind, and generous, and tough. I always laugh at myself when I take Jo’s class because I’m always surprised at how extra hard it is.  Her classes are surprisingly tough because she is so sweet and has such a nice way about her that when you’re dying you are surprised to realize that she is kicking your butt with her soft voice and friendly smile.

She has brought the same sweetness and toughness to her business. She is a hard-working businesswoman in a highly competitive niche. What she has done that sets her studio apart from the competition is foster a sense of community. Jo makes a point of supporting other women, as clients, as employees, and as fellow businesswomen. When a regular recently launched a handbag line, Jo hosted a trunk show for her.  She’s been similarly generous to so many of us.

Jo knows what it means to be a successful woman – it means that you support other women and celebrate their successes. She sets an example for everyone at the studio to be supportive, kind, and generous to each other. Everyone celebrates each other’s triumphs (a new job, a new baby, a new haircut) and has each other’s back when times are hard (a lost job, a bad breakup, an injury). I’m not a regular anymore, but every time I’m there, I get to catch up with old friends.  Some of my bar friends are my soul sisters and I’m so thankful that BMLB brought us together.

I’m so proud of Jo for all of the hard work that she puts in to creating such a special place for women in Long Beach to come together in a very quietly understated, yet powerful way.  Thank you, Jo!

Back to the Bar (Method)

Last week, I headed back to the bar (method) for the first time in a few months. I love the Bar Method. It was the only workout that I did for five years and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I call Bar Method my “middle-aged lady workout” because everything about it is very civilized, elegant, and no-nonsense.  Bar Method studios are known for their spa-like atmosphere.  Every one that I’ve ever been to is calming feeling and nicely lit but my local Bar Method in Long Beach is for sure my favorite.

The workout is not easy but the classes themselves are also very civilized and elegant.  The exercises are designed to be very safe and very toning.  There is an focus on posture throughout the entire class that gives regulars a very elegant carriage. And there is stretching integrated all throughout class, which is something that tends to be given short shrift in a lot of other group exercise classes.

I credit Bar Method for ending the war that had been going on between my thighs and my bum for years.  You might know what I’m talking about: it seemed like my thighs were trying to grow their own bum at the top of my legs and my bum was doing everything that it could to hang down low enough to hide it.  One significant result that I noticed after doing Bar Method for just a short while was that my thighs and my bum went back to minding their own business (which was greatly appreciated).

I had been feeling like I needed a bit of a re-set.  What I was craving was a good stretch and to give my posture a tune-up. I found some time in my schedule that coincided with one of my favorite instructor’s class time and decided to pop in.

When I walked in to the studio, I was so warmly welcomed by the owner, Jo, Geanna, the instructor that I thought I was going to have class with, and SURPRISE! by Bar Method Master Instructor Heidi Revay (I don’t know if that is an official title, but that is what she is to me).  She was in town visiting and was going to teach class.  Wow! That was a fun surprise.

Pretty much every Bar Method instructor is toned and poised, but Heidi is more like a goddess. She is not only beautiful and elegant but she has this amazing energy that is loving and nurturing and demanding all at the same time. I feel like I work harder than I would naturally want to in Heidi’s class because she can see what I’m capable of and expects me live up to my potential.  Making the effort is my tribute to her goddess energy.

Part of what makes Bar Method so civilized is that you can have a really great workout without sweating your brains out. You’re not generally going to ruin your blow-out or your make-up. I tend to sweat pretty easily when I exercise, but I have never gotten as drenched in a Bar Method class before as I did in Heidi’s class that day.  It was not cute. Fortunately, I didn’t have a blow-out or any make-up to worry about.

When I left the studio, I felt that I had gotten the re-set that I was looking for and a little bit more.  I’m looking forward to going again this week. It’s nice to be back at the Bar (Method).