Oh these kittens, they make my life better every day. But I’ll tell you what, they are a HUGE distraction! They are THE distraction duo.
As I write this, they are maybe four feet away, getting into things. I hear a thud, and look to see what they’ve knocked over now, and just keep staring because watching them trouble around is so entertaining.
The way that Sally always tries to pick up my pen…

When Anabel takes her nap behind my laptop…

How Sally tries to get into the bag of dry cat food – not because there isn’t dry food in his bowl at this very moment, but because it is there, so he feels that he should get into it.
Those times when they run out in front of me, flop over, and ask for belly rubs…how can I resist?
Here comes Anabel, she is going to help my write this post. Maybe if she walks on the keyboard we will wind up with the next great work of English literature? Nope, that did not look like a masterpiece to me.
You know how multitasking was big for a while? I remember sitting at my desk, working on tasks for at least two or three different projects, and replying to every email as soon as it came through, even if I was on the phone. I was so busy, I must have been getting a lot done!

Then it turned into, no one really multitasks, they just switch between tasks. Oh, and that is a really inefficient way to work because your brain isn’t that good at switching tracks. I believe it. And I’ve been working at only working at one thing at a time, really focusing and forcing myself to stay on task. I will set a timer to write and not check my email or my phone during my writing time. But when you’ve got a kitty sitting on the back of your chair, grooming your head, it is tough to stay focused.
One strategy that I’m trying to keep me from getting too off track when they come in flaunting their cuteness at me is that I set aside little bits of time throughout my day to play with them. That time is focused on appreciating them; I don’t try to catch up on Facebook with one hand while Sally gets his belly rubs. Often, my kitten time coincides with their nap time. There are only so many hours in a day and they need to sleep for 18-20 of them, so I can’t really expect that they can be bothered to get up just because I want to play. But if they are up for it we might play with the ribbon on a stick or practice walking on a lead for a few minutes. If they are feeling mellow, it might be a good time for a nail trim or other grooming.

The only thing that I can say for my kitty distractions is that every time it happens my heart feels happy, as opposed to the panic-y, fear feeling that I would get from trying to multitask at work. Some distractions are worth it.