Rough Writers Anthology 2019:
Moments in Space & Time
Guys, something cool happened … I published a book! Crazy right? Full disclosure, I didn’t WRITE a whole book, I published a book with my writing club. I did however write many parts of a book. First, I contributed a story and then I somehow got tricked into being the editor.
beautiful cover art courtesy of Ben Horak
Once I had agreed, I found out that being the editor didn’t mean just working with the other authors on their stories and/or editing the manuscript, it also happened to include project managing the whole shebang and creating the other bits of text that go into a book (which I learned is called the front matter and back matter).
Since I have been on a bit of a hiatus from project managing, I may have taken a few things for granted and not kept as tight reigns on things as I used to. Fortunately, I had a talented and motivated team working with me and we finally crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s and now we have a book!
The book is a collection of stories contributed by members of the Rough Writers Toastmasters club. We named it the Rough Writers Anthology 2019 because we have some delusion (at least I do) that we will do this annually. Moments in Space & Time is a nod to the writing prompt.
Everyone wrote their story using the same photo as a prompt (I don’t have permission to publish the photo here, but it is in the back matter of the book). One of the benefits of being the editor was that I had early access to read everyone’s work. I was so entertained by the range of perspectives. Even the stories that sort-of took the same tack are very different. Some folks had a specific message that they wanted to get across. I let the photo take me for a ride (it was a strange ride, don’t ask me how I got there).
Here is a little snippet from my story:
As Bill approached the clipboard girl, she eyed him up and down and shot a look to the man standing next to her who was roughly the size of a refrigerator. This girl could tell Bill was trouble from 50 yards. The refrigerator nodded. Bill was used to being aggressive and intimidating to girls to get his way, but her disdainful gaze and pet refrigerator made him feel very small as he approached. Clipboard girl was already on to his game.
from Carl’s Green Galaxy by Cynthia Gellis
Our book, the Rough Writers Anthology 2019: Moments in Space & Time is available on Amazon! Mr. Man says that it is the perfect size for a stocking stuffer (wink, wink). If you want me to get you a signed copy, comment below or message me and we can make that happen.
I hope you’ll check it out!
Congratulations! That’s incredible!
Cynthia, this is amazing!!!! Congratulations! Off to place my order…
You are a talented lady. The more I get to know you, the more I am impressed by you. You inspire me to be a better writer, speaker, and friend.
Your work is appreciated, very very much!
Love you,
Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment 🙂
Congratulations! What an undertaking!
Congratulations, Cynthia. I’ve been in your corner during this project. I look forward to reading the anthology.
That’s my Girl! I need 4 signed…. we’ll talk