There are few things that Anabel and Sally like as much as a bag. They actually prefer a shopping or gift bag to a box any day. And no, the bag does not have to be empty to qualify as an excellent cat bag.
The most appealing cat bags come with a bit of tissue paper to shred, but the bag itself is always the true prize.
A friend recently brought me something in a brown, craft-paper bag with bunches of tissue fluffed on top. Sally was so excited by his new bag that he couldn’t be bothered for me to remove the gift before he started in on his cat bag. You see, it isn’t just about getting inside the bag, but pouncing on top of the bag and attacking the edges are also great ways to utilize a new cat bag according to Sally.
We were getting ready to head out, but Sally was enjoying himself so much that I couldn’t bear to take his new bag away. I also didn’t dare leave him along with it; I could just imagine him getting one of the handles caught around his neck. Not because I thought that he would hurt himself (it’s a paper bag, it’s going to tear), but because that is the sort of thing that Mr. Man would bust my chops for until his dying breath. So, I tore the handles off and left Sally to enjoy his kitty-proofed cat bag.
Another time, another dear friend presented me with another craft-paper bag full of kitsch signature. Again, I had to battle Sally to remove the items from the bag before he inserted himself into it. A bit later, I came across this scene:

Why is Anabel staring at the bag? What is that sticking out? Oh, a Sally tail! Aren’t they cute?

About ten minutes later, there is a commotion. When I go to investigate, I find this:

Sally is pouncing ON the bag in which a different cat tail is sticking out the end of.
I see.
Sally is going to need a lesson on sharing his cat bag.
Next get two “cat bags” and see the commotion.