Cats sleep a lot. Like up to what, 20 hours a day, right? Not these kittens. I’m not sure they are even sleeping 16 hours a day right now. I don’t know when or why their kitten sleep schedule went berserk. What I do know is that they have many more awake hours every day to get into things. I can’t even keep up with all of the hijinks.

When they were little bitty, they would have a morning nap and an afternoon nap with short play break mid-day. They would be ready for dinner at 7pm, play for a little while, then back to bed. These days, they are usually awake from early morning until probably 3-4pm with maybe a short nap while I’m at the gym. They have their breakfast, brawl for a while, and then spend the rest of the morning being VERY interested in what I am doing. Which means that I am doing much less than I would like to be doing.

Finally, around 3pm, they will sack out for their afternoon nap. Their dinner time is supposed to be 7pm but if I can’t get them up, I won’t feed them. They might not get their dinner until 9pm or even later. This doesn’t seem to bother them as much as it bothers me.
After dinner is more play time, then they snooze with Mr. Man on the couch for a while. Sometimes they will come to bed with me, sometimes they come to bed later. At some point in the night, they will be up again prowling the house. The other night I caught them both up at 2am. Anabel was using the potty and Sally had gotten up to keep her company.
Sometimes I catch them spooning together in bed at night. I have also caught Anabel spooning on Mr. Man with her head on his pillow. It’s the kind of cuteness that just makes my heart explode.

Can’t handle all the Kitten Cuteness!!!!!
It’s brutal!