I recently found out that my friend took her cat with her to her office one day (she’s the boss, it’s ok) which is pretty much one of the greatest things that I have ever heard. We were talking about how there should be a national “Take Your Cat to Work” day and then how it should really just be every day, much in the same way that national Margarita day should.

One great thing about working from home is that I do have my kittens at work with me. Every day is take your cat to work day in my life. And they are very good helpers. They both have their spots and when I settle in to start working on my writing, they go to their designated places nearby and get hard to work on their mid-day sleeping. It actually makes me feel like I need to stay at my computer and be productive because they are making a point of keeping me company after all.

Many years ago, the gal that I worked with suggested that we get an office cat. It was just the two of us and we were both cat lovers; it was an intriguing idea. The only problem was what were we going to do on weekends and holidays? Both of us already had cats at home who were not likely to appreciate company, even if it was only part time. Around that time, Mr. Man gave me a pair of kitty stuffed animals who sufficed as our office cats.

Here are a few of the great benefits of having your cat help out at work (that I just made up):
- They make a great paperweight.
- Cats are good at filing (if you use the floor as your filing system).
- Free notary and paper shredding service.
- The heat generated by your computer doesn’t go to waste.
- I once had an office in an old building that had mice – that wouldn’t be a problem if I had an office cat.
- Cats are a good judge of character, they could help with interviews and client meetings.
- Prevents you from having to meet with people who think they are allergic to cats.
- Getting up to pet the cat ensures that breaks are taken. Petting cats is also proven to relieve stress and can help to generate great ideas.
- Reduces absenteeism – workers would miss seeing the cat more than they would want to miss work.
Places that are open 24-7 (or at least every day) like police stations, firehouses, and hotels are good venues for live-in workplace cats. Other workplaces like shops and offices would probably require a commuter cat – one who is brought to work in the morning and taken home at night, like when my friend took her cat to her office.